Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Reason #20: He's a "Great Grandpa"!

No, he's not THAT old! But, he played a "grandpa" in our church play on Valentine's day, and he was GREAT!

I was "Grandma," and I must say I didn't do too bad myself. It was my third time playing a grandma in a church play, so I must be doing something right. (Or, do I just have that "matronly figure"?!)

DH bought a pair of denim overalls and a plaid flannel shirt, and he wore his gray fleece slippers. I dyed his hair and whiskers gray, and poured baby powder over his head to cover the bald spot. He put his glasses down on the edge of his nose, and pretended to be hard of hearing.

I wore a granny dress, and an embroidered apron, with my blue fuzzy slippers, and a cuddly cardigan sweater. I had my hair in a bun (I added a hair piece, since my hair is so short) and poured powder all over it, and I had a pair of "granny" glasses around my neck. (I made the glasses holder myself, from an old pearl necklace.) For the finishing touch, I pulled out a real lace hankerchief, for the dramatic tear-jerker scene.

We really "hammed it up" since we were the only adults participating in the play. The teens did a good job, but they didn't know how to project their voices very well. Thankfully, they were able to use microphones. DH and I had the main character parts, and we had to use "cheat sheets" to keep our lines flowing. We sat at a table for almost the whole play, so we could hide our lines under our napkins.

Everyone commented afterward at how well we both did. I think they loved the juxtaposition of his character, from a preacher to a farmer, from his usual suit and tie, to flannel shirt and overalls. I know they were surprised that I could "act" and put my whole self into the part of a doting granny.

I was so proud of DH. It was fun, and it was strangely "bonding" to be in a play like that together. It was almost like pretending to be ourselves in forty years!