My Husband As a Dad
Family Man asked a few women out there: What about your husband/partner do you especially like about his role as a father?
These are their responses...
Recently I heard Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle” -- the tearjerker where the detached, indifferent father raises a son "just like him." This time, it made me smile because I knew that the role model for my three sons was my husband, Jonathan. As a father, he teaches them respect, sensitivity, good sportsmanship, and a love of family and learning. He has even taught them that men wash dishes. I couldn't be prouder than to say that my boys, "Grow up just like him."
-- Laurie B.
He's always there to catch our daughters when they fall, wipe their noses when they're oozing, and ease their worries when they are crying in the middle of the night. The point is, he's a dad (and husband) first and everything else is next.
-- Edye U.
I could go on and on, but here are the TOP 10 things I love about my husband being a dad:
1. He is always ready to play--even if the kids aren't!
2. He always knows the “right” thing to say -- he’s reasonable.
3. He is always cool, calm, and collected.
4. He is always giving 110 percent.
5. He is always up for a trip to Disneyland.
6. He is always positive (well, about 99.5 percent of the time).
7. He is always up for pancakes at Bob's Big Boy.
8. He is always willing to do the dirty work -- diapers, cleaning the grill for a party, doing the laundry, etc.
9. He is handy (he can put together toys).
-- Jackie F.
My husband is very handy around the house. It is a great comfort to me to know that he can fix just about anything that breaks. Growing up in a house without a dad, I really appreciate the worry that he takes off my shoulders whenever the washing machine overflows, birds make a nest in the eaves, or the pool lining rips. For the same reason, I appreciate him at night, as I am still a bit "afraid of the dark." After four kids and 11 years of marriage, I am confident that he will always be here for us. While it may sound old fashioned, he is a great provider and protector. Plus, he makes me laugh, makes a mean pancake, and still tells me I look good. I wish everyone were as lucky.
-- Elizabeth D.
When we first began talking about having kids it absolutely made me melt to have him whisper, "let's have a baby" and know that he truly meant it. When our son falls down, he runs to pick him up and wipe him off. When he's eating something, Daddy constantly worries that Joshua is going to choke. Bath time is daddy time, he changes every other diaper or pull-up and never complains. He encourages our son to take risks but never stands too far away. The thing I admire most about my husband is his commitment. His commitment to being the best daddy ever, to always be there for the important things, to always encourage and never discourage, to always love and protect his precious angels (even in the womb). It's nice to take stock every once in a while and remember what a blessing he is in our lives.
-- Amy J.
I love to see my husband, Harvey, with our daughters Jessica and Pamela enjoying themselves together. Even at the tender ages of 4 and 18 months, they enjoy listening to dad play the saxophone as they sing and dance along to familiar tunes. It is sheer joy watching them enjoy music together. My husband shows the girls that dads can really be fun.
-- Rosalind K.
Herman (daddy to Kenya and Kayla) devotes so much time and effort to his girls, from teaching them how to ride a bike to giving them baths every night. I am expecting another baby any day now and Herman ensures that the girls have dinner, baths and nightly stories, and most important, prayer time every single night. He is always up to date on what’s happening in my 7-year-old’s personal life (like she should have one). She talks to him all the time about things going on at school and in her life when she wouldn’t dare tell them to me. Where most men cannot be left with the kids for more than 2 hours, I have been able to leave my children with Daddy for 2 to 3 days at a time. I am truly grateful for a husband and father like Herman Lee.
-- Bobbie L.
Our children are our life. They have brought such joy into it. I know, especially with Easton, that life has been put into another perspective. The children look a lot like him, and act like him too. He is an amazing father and I see such pride and happiness in his eyes when they give him hugs and kisses, when they call for him. Especially when they run to him and throw their arms around his neck. He has sacrificed a lot for our children and me. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy. Jason is truly a Daddy.
-- Stormy K.